Remote Maintenance - Totem Cellular Router (TCR)


TCR (Totem Cellular Router) Remote Maintenance – a new tool that further reduces maintenance costs on Totem Plus systems. The use of the new package minimizes onboard visits by technicians, and saves valuable time of explanations and repeated emails.
The Cellular Router allows remote diagnostics, updates and assistance to Totem Plus computerized systems such as VDR/SVDR, ECDIS, Conning, BAMS and IMACS. The package includes a Cellular Router (a router including cellular modem) and a dedicated software to allow proper configuration and remote attendance by Totem Plus support technicians.
To operate the TCR it is required to purchase a local cellular Data SIM card, an item that is now available almost anywhere and can be purchased locally at very low prices (or be supplied by the ship’s agent), download the TCR provided software and coordinate the remote session.
The TCR (including software) is easily installed by crew.
Files are protected against tampering by the user.
Data can be extracted to a USB Drive.


Further information